
Bio & Contact

I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Sociology at Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA). I am also pursuing a graduate minor in Demography at Cornell’s Population Center.

My research is divided in three branches. The first branch focuses on questions related to activity space, health inequality, and social stratification. The second branch focuses on infectious diseases. I am particularly interested in inequalities in mosquito-vector borne disease outcomes and human-mosquito interactions. From a methodological point of view, I am interested in leveraging spatial, GPS, and individual-level real-time data to understand the (re)production of inequality.

I believe social reality is highly complex, thus we ought to understand it from a complex system and interdisciplinary perspective. This is reflected in my research, where I have collaborated with professionals from a wide range of disciplines including physics, medicine, or ecology.

Some of my recent work has explored inequalities in daily mobility during the de-escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain and the effects of economic recessions on mortality inequalities.

I am currently working on three projects: my qualifying paper, which explores the relationship between local and extra local residential disadvantage and residential confinement among older adults in Chicago; a collaboration with Professor Erin York-Cornwell in which we aim to estimate the effect of activity space span and contextual measures on the health of older adults; and a collaboration with Nathália Santos, a fellow Ph.D. student, where we are estimating the individual, latent, and real-time correlates of EMA uptake and attrition.

Here is a link to my cv.

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