
Bio & Contact

I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Sociology at Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA) I am also pursuing a graduate minor in Demography from Cornell’s Population Center.

My research focuses on improving our understanding of:

  • how heatwaves contribute to the (re)production of health and spatial inequality.
  • how exposure to residential neighborhoods and activity spaces impact life outcomes.

Methodologically, I am interested in:

  • measuring heat waves and exposure to heat, and thinking about how we can use increases in heat as exogenous shocks to assess the causal effects of different phenomena.
  • leveraging spatial, GPS, and individual-level real-time data.
  • developing conceptual and empirical tools to assess and correct biases emerging from computational and non-probabilistic sources of data collection.

I believe social reality is complex, thus we ought to understand it from a complex system and interdisciplinary perspective. This is reflected in my research, where I have collaborated with professionals from a wide range of disciplines including physics, medicine, and ecology.

Here is a link to my cv.

You can reach me at: ap963[at]cornell[dot]edu